Thursday, June 25, 2009

Already a Month old

Wow ok so time really flies when you have a little one. I can't believe that my baby girl was a month old on Father's Day. WOW is all I can say. I need to get more pictures posted yes I know. I realized the other day that I am bad about actually taking pictures on the camera. I grab my phone and so there are tons of pictures on there but not on the real camera. I try and send a cute picture to Drew everyday of her so that he can get a smile from her smiling. I know such a good wife. :)

So my new objective is to actually use the real camera so that I can have good pictures of Emily as she is growing. We go to the doctor on Friday for her month check up. I think she gets a shot that day so I am not real excited about that appointment but I am excited to see how much she weighs now.

Father's Day was a great day. We had all of Drew's family over and cooked out and spent some great time with everyone here. Nick and Emily got their Daddy a real man grill so Drew was excited to cook on it even though it was Father's Day and 100 outside. LOL

So this week I went back to work suddenly. I started on Tuesday and things have been going pretty good given I am up in the middle of the night and going at full speed during the day. I am getting the hang of it needless to say. Emily has been an angel for me and together we are getting things done. :) I do wish I had more time with her just at home but that is not what God has planned for us so we are adjusting and he is helping us. God does amazing things for me and my family and I am so grateful.

So I really will get more pictures posted so everyone can see how much my little one is changing and growing. As everyone says they grow up so fast. She is holding her head up each day more and more. When she is laying down she gets really frustrated because she wants to roll over. It is interesting to see how much she wants to do and can't so then she gets frustrated and wants to cry or just grunts her way through her frustration.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wow time Flies

Wow is all I can say. I can't believe that Emily is already 16 days old. We have lready gone to her two week check up and she is almost back up to her birth weight. Yes she is a good eater needless to say. :) Of course that is all I feel like I do right now is feed her. In a few more weeks we will at least start feeding her with a bottle sometimes which will help. of course that means I need to be more consistant with the pump. I am adjusting to mommyhood, lack of sleep and learning what sound or cry means what. I am having so much fun though. Being a mom is awesome. My mom is stil here helping which has been great. She has done so much I am very grateful for that.

Nick is adjusting well too. He is a great big brother. He is so gentle with her and always wants to make sure she is doing ok.

Of course Drew (aka Daddy) is doing awesome and loves every minute with his daughter. He is so cute with her hr just lights up when he sees her.

I hope to have more pictures up soon. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Emily has arrived

Well let me see where to start. I went to get a sonogram on Tuesday afternoon to get Emily's weight and I got other news as well. Emily had decided to flip on us so she was now feet down and head up. So I already had a doctors appointment scheduled for Wednesday morning and when we went to the appointment the doctor basically said we had run out of time because of her weight and the number of weeks I was already at so we were doing a C-Section. Of course I thought we would be scheduling one for next week and then the doctor comes back in and surprise you are having your baby tomorrow meaning Thursday. So Emily came into this world at 12:46pm May 21, 2009. Weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. We are so truly blessed by her. Thank you for everyone's prayers and continued prayers. Here are some pictures so enjoy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The countdown continues..... 9 days

Well we are still counting. I think Emily is just as happy as she can be where she is at and has no intentions on coming any time soon. We can only hope and pray. I have a sonogram tomorrow to get her weight so we can see where we are at with everything. Then I have my doctors appointment on Wednesday so we will see then what he says. I know the end is near and YES I am still scared and all my emotions are everywhere but I am just ready already. We have been waiting for over 9 months for crying out loud now. :) I am super excited as well for the day to be here and for Emily to enter into this crazy world.

Of course if there are any changes I will keep everyone posted.

:) Happy Monday to all!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

It is Monday - 16 days to go

Well it is Monday and we only have 16 days left for Emily's Due Date. I am sooo ready for her. I am more tired than ever right now and just want to sleep all the time. I know it is not going to be better right away after she is born but I know that it will be better. I can't get comfortable sleeping and I am up all the time in the bathroom. I think I just might have to move my bed in there and then I don't have to get up. Just kidding!!!! Being pregnant has been fun don't get me wrong I just want energy back. :)

We had a great Mother's Day with Drew's mom yesterday. We went to church and then all took her to lunch to PF Chang's. On Saturday we went and saw the new Star Trek movie. I was not sure about going to see that but actually I that it was an awesome movie. There was just one scene that of course made me want to crawl in a hole since we had Nick with us. Why do movies have to add the extra scenes in that are not necessary????

Today is Lynn's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to her!!! We are going to dinner with Drew's mom and dad and then we get to go to one of Nick's 4 make up baseball games if the rain or mist or whatever you want to call it stops. Baseball in the spring is some what interesting with the weather. It only rains on days he has games. HMMMMMMM

Until later!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

23 more days

Well based on Emily's due date we have 23 more days. We went to the doctors last week since we are now on a weekly schedule and also had our last detailed sonogram done. The sonogram showed our little Emily at 7 pounds. Ok we need to slow the growth done just a little if we have a few more weeks to go. I am ready though. I think I am mentally ready and for sure physically ready to have her. I just want to be able to be normal again well normal with my body. Having to go to the restroom every minute of the day is tiring. :)

Her room is ready with everything in it. Of course it looks like a tornado hit it but she will not be up there right away so we are good.

She has soooooo many clothes thanks to family and friends that have given us all kinds of cute outfits. She will for sure be the cutest kid ever.

I think Drew is even ready he is anxious at this point and is ready to be a Daddy to child number 2. He is going to be a great daddy to his little girl. Of course she is going to get everything she wants from him.

Nick I think is ready but I think he is not sure what to expect still. He went to 2 of the classes with us Child Safety and Infant Care classes over the past couple of weeks. He said he learned a lot. He is going to be the best big brother ever. He is so gentle with everything already and with the classes I think they helped him know that he can't hurt his baby sister but he can sure be a big help if he wants to be. He is going to be super cute with her. I am looking forward to that first picture of the 2 of them together.

That is all for now. I have another doctors appointment on Wednesday so any new updates I will post then.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Emily's Room is FINISHED!!! :)

Nick showing off his sister's room :)
Look at the awesome chair rail that Drew did!!!
Here is her crib with her bedding ready to go.
Well this weekend we finally finished Emily's room and even got the furniture put in her room. We finished painting what we had to paint and then got started on the furniture. Ok so Drew got started on the furniture. I went and finished registering and came home to find that two of the three pieces of furniture were upstairs in her room. He was super man while I was gone. We got all the furniture then in her room after Drew's dad came and helped get the last piece upstairs. I washed her bedding and got all her clothes that we have gotten from everyone into the drawers. Nick helped me put all the bedding on her bed. :) We are excited now.

Rangers Opening Game April 6, 2009

Drew, Nick, even Emily and I

Drew and Nick we are having fun!!!

The largest American Flag ever.
George W. Bush getting ready to throw the first pitch

Ok so it has been a while since I last blogged but here you go. Last week we went to the Ranger Opening Day game. This was a tradition that Drew and Nick had and of course now I am part of that tradition. We get Nick out of school and everything. We are such good parents. :) We always have a blast. This was the first year for me that my office was not right by the ballpark since we moved it in October. So we had to figure out parking.... Well we ended up riding the park and ride which was not so bad but we were a little stressed about getting there in time for the game to start. Unfortunately we are not high enough up the food chain for them to wait on us. :) We did get there in time though to see George W. Bush throw out the first pitch. That was great. AND yes the Rangers won the opening game!!!! YAHOOO!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break

Well we had a great time last week with Nick on Spring Break. We had him for a few extra days so we did some fun things. We went bowling and then the boys went to Putt Putt while I went to work in the afternoon!!! I know that I had fun and I think that everyone else did too. The weather was great last week and of course Nick was just glad to be out of school for a week. :) Nick has a friend come over and spend the night Monday so they of course played and played and then played some more on Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It Looks like a Doll House - Emily's Room

Well this past weekend Gina and I started and pretty much finished Emily's room with painting. It was so much fun to have her over to help and hang out. So there are lots of pictures to look at. Plus I have included a picture of Drew laying the wood floor in her room. The room looks great. All we have left is finishing the chair rail and then I have to paint that. Then we are ready for furniture which gives Drew another project.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow for Technology

Well we went this morning for another sonogram to make sure that everything is still going great. All I can say is wow how technology is great. All I can say is that Emily is definitely a GIRL. You can see by the pictures. LOL Everything is great and she is growing just like she is supposed to. Of course they said her head is measuring large and I used Mason Daugherty's line of that is because she already has a big brain. :) Thanks Mason. Hello of course she is going to have lot of brains look at her Mommy and Daddy. They are super smart. So I have 11 weeks to go. I feel like my tummy is growing by the day and of course I feel like an alien that my skin is just going to open up at some point. Life is great though.

Here is a Nick update as well!!! He is finished with basketball. Yes I still need to post those pictures. He is now practicing for baseball. He is on the Red Soxs this season and is excited for the season to start. Oh and he is growing or rather his feet are growing like weeds. He is almost 10 and wearing a size 7.5 in men sizes. WOW!!!! His season starts at the end of this month!!! His pitching has gotten so much better and more accurate it is crazy how each season he is improving on his skills. He is of course doing awesome in school as well. His lowest grade last six weeeks I think was like a 97. It is a hard life for him being so smart. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Little Slow

Ok so I have been a little slow about any updates. I have really been waiting to get some pictures so that I can post those as well but as you can see that has not happened. My belly is growing I think by the minute at this point. I feel like I am one of those aliens in the movies where my skin is just going to rip apart. I went to the store this morning and bought some cocoa butter so that I can put that one everyday and not get stretch marks. :) I will hopefully have some pictures of our new upstairs next post. We have all the carpet out of the bedrooms. Emily's room is the last to do. Nick's room is all done and looks awesome and the game room is all done as well and looks awesome too. Thanks to my handy husband he is a great worker. I told him I might just have to hire him out!!! :) He did not like that idea of course. So that is the update from the last couple of weeks.

By the way Nick tied his basketball game two weeks ago and this past weekend they won by so many points they stopped keeping track. This weekend is his last game so I need to get some pictures up right away because then we are off to baseball season. He just does not stop. Baseball is a great game to watch and as the weather gets better it is always nice to sit outside on a spring day, get some sun and watch him play!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weekend Update

This past weekend was pretty uneventful. That was a great thing!!! Nick had a basketball game on Saturday and played the only other team that was undefeated and guess what HIS team WON!!! Way to go Nick!!! He play awesome as normal and his whole team played great. I need to still get pictures up of him in action on the court. He is a great basketball player. Sunday Drew had a friend come over and we moved all the furniture out of Emily's room so that we can get started on her room now. We officially have Nick's room and the game room all finished with the floors so we just have Emily's room left which is great. I guess that means that Gina and I have to get moving. LOL

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nursery in the making

So this weekend a good friend of mine Gina and I went shopping for the nursery. I of course was not looking forward to that since I HATE to shop. I had a awesome day though and had so much fun. We found some great ideas and things for Emily's room. I am so excited now to get moving on everything. Drew is going to finish the floors upstairs this week and weekend. We have to get everything cleared out of Emily's room so that we can start painting which is the next step in getting ready for her to enter this world. I have to just stay motivated and of course with Gina's help the room is going to turn out amazing. I think she is going to love it.

We also got to visit with some of my old friends and their kids this past weekend. It was great to see Kim and Helen. We are all growing up. That is a scary thought.

Oh by the way here is the first picture of my baby bump that is coming along nicely now. Everyday I feel like I am growing well my tummy is growing. Well the picture is terrible of me but you get what the picture is really for.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend was nice. We spent Friday night hanging out with some friends of ours from church. Saturday Nick has another basketball game which of course they won. They are playing great and he of course is an awesome player. I am not bais or anything. :) Sunday of course we ended up running errands and did not get home until almost 5 it was crazy. We went by Costco and bought me a new phone which I was excited about but then of course we got home to find out that it will not do what I need it to do. Hello they really make phones still that don't sync with your outlook. So now we have to order a phone through the AT&T website and wait to get it in the mail.

Today is Monday and work was work. I called the heater people because they still have not fixed my heater and by the way the weather is going to be freezing the next couple of days. They of course tell me that they ordered the part but it takes 7-10 days and it is only the 7th day. So I will be wearing my hat and gloves in my office again until I can't stand it and have to come home.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Emily

Well here are the pictures of Baby Emily. We are super excited that we are having a girl. Oh help us all!!! That is all for now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

This past weekend

Well Drew and I had a photo shoot down in Houston on Sunday so we went to Nick's basketball game and watched his team beat the other team so badly that they stopped counting the points. It was bad but Nick's team played awesome of course. :) We left then and drove down to Houston. We at least got to stay in a better hotel this time. Of course I think I did not sleep but an hour total. We were facing the highway and I think I was able to hear every truck that passed our hotel. The photo shoot went great. The weather was awesome so that made the shoot much better. We drove back last night. The doggies were of course super excited to see us.

I of course was super tired big suprise I guess when you are pregnant!!!! So I think we both went to bed as early as we could last night.

So now for a day of work. Yes I am working on Martin Luther King day. I am sure there are other out there. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ok so it is freezing at my office

So I got to my office today and turned the heat on because it is freezing cold outside and don't you know my heater is not working again. So I am now sitting trying to work with my hat on, two jackets on and I really want to put my gloves back on but I can't work in them so that is a problem. Of course the dogs are asleep and could care less about if it is hot or cold. So my conclusion is the dogs are warm because they are snuggled right next to each other and the baby is warm because she is in my tummy, me on the other hand not sure how long I can hold out with this.

Ok so I need to get better about updates!!! We found out on Wednesday that our little on the way is a little girl. We are both of course excited. I told Drew to order the bars for the windows and doors now so that by the time we need them we will have them installed. :) I think that Nick will be a great big brother to his new sister. She will think he is of course the best. I will have to get the pictures posted soon of the latest sonogram for all to see.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Sonogram

Here are my pictures from my first sonogram which was in November. I am not sure if these are alien or human but I am sure the next sonogram will show us a more human form. I was 14 weeks along.

My first Blog

So I am going to try this thing everyone calls a blog to keep everyone up to date on our family. We are due with our new addition in May and figured this would be the best way to keep everyone up to date as well as my family members that are out of town they can always go here as long as I keep up my end of the bargain and keep this thing up to date. :) I will have to figure out how to post pictures and write more later. I have to work now thought.