Friday, May 22, 2009

Emily has arrived

Well let me see where to start. I went to get a sonogram on Tuesday afternoon to get Emily's weight and I got other news as well. Emily had decided to flip on us so she was now feet down and head up. So I already had a doctors appointment scheduled for Wednesday morning and when we went to the appointment the doctor basically said we had run out of time because of her weight and the number of weeks I was already at so we were doing a C-Section. Of course I thought we would be scheduling one for next week and then the doctor comes back in and surprise you are having your baby tomorrow meaning Thursday. So Emily came into this world at 12:46pm May 21, 2009. Weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. We are so truly blessed by her. Thank you for everyone's prayers and continued prayers. Here are some pictures so enjoy.


  1. Isn't it great when they come into this world with a mind of their own! Let's hope it's not some sort of snapshot into the future teenage years! So glad to hear everything went well. Don't know what it is with our APhi family ... but my Emily went back sideways after being head down and Stefanie's little boy was breech too (supposed to have c-sec today but no news yet)! Take time to relax in the hospital and get some sleep. Can't wait to meet her!

  2. Congrats!!!!! Emily's SO precious! We are so happy for you guys. Praying for a speedy recovery for you, Alichia.
