Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nursery in the making

So this weekend a good friend of mine Gina and I went shopping for the nursery. I of course was not looking forward to that since I HATE to shop. I had a awesome day though and had so much fun. We found some great ideas and things for Emily's room. I am so excited now to get moving on everything. Drew is going to finish the floors upstairs this week and weekend. We have to get everything cleared out of Emily's room so that we can start painting which is the next step in getting ready for her to enter this world. I have to just stay motivated and of course with Gina's help the room is going to turn out amazing. I think she is going to love it.

We also got to visit with some of my old friends and their kids this past weekend. It was great to see Kim and Helen. We are all growing up. That is a scary thought.

Oh by the way here is the first picture of my baby bump that is coming along nicely now. Everyday I feel like I am growing well my tummy is growing. Well the picture is terrible of me but you get what the picture is really for.

1 comment:

  1. Look at your cute baby bumb! I absolutely loved being prego & I hope you enjoy it as well. I can't tell you enough how excited I am for you! Amber--
