Monday, April 13, 2009

Rangers Opening Game April 6, 2009

Drew, Nick, even Emily and I

Drew and Nick we are having fun!!!

The largest American Flag ever.
George W. Bush getting ready to throw the first pitch

Ok so it has been a while since I last blogged but here you go. Last week we went to the Ranger Opening Day game. This was a tradition that Drew and Nick had and of course now I am part of that tradition. We get Nick out of school and everything. We are such good parents. :) We always have a blast. This was the first year for me that my office was not right by the ballpark since we moved it in October. So we had to figure out parking.... Well we ended up riding the park and ride which was not so bad but we were a little stressed about getting there in time for the game to start. Unfortunately we are not high enough up the food chain for them to wait on us. :) We did get there in time though to see George W. Bush throw out the first pitch. That was great. AND yes the Rangers won the opening game!!!! YAHOOO!!!!

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