Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wow time Flies

Wow is all I can say. I can't believe that Emily is already 16 days old. We have lready gone to her two week check up and she is almost back up to her birth weight. Yes she is a good eater needless to say. :) Of course that is all I feel like I do right now is feed her. In a few more weeks we will at least start feeding her with a bottle sometimes which will help. of course that means I need to be more consistant with the pump. I am adjusting to mommyhood, lack of sleep and learning what sound or cry means what. I am having so much fun though. Being a mom is awesome. My mom is stil here helping which has been great. She has done so much I am very grateful for that.

Nick is adjusting well too. He is a great big brother. He is so gentle with her and always wants to make sure she is doing ok.

Of course Drew (aka Daddy) is doing awesome and loves every minute with his daughter. He is so cute with her hr just lights up when he sees her.

I hope to have more pictures up soon. :)


  1. what a pretty little girlie you have! Glad to hear things are going well. Don't forget to get some rest ... and hopefully we can get together soon.

  2. She's absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad to hear you're adjusting to being a mommy! It's hard, but wonderful! : ) Amber
