Monday, May 11, 2009

It is Monday - 16 days to go

Well it is Monday and we only have 16 days left for Emily's Due Date. I am sooo ready for her. I am more tired than ever right now and just want to sleep all the time. I know it is not going to be better right away after she is born but I know that it will be better. I can't get comfortable sleeping and I am up all the time in the bathroom. I think I just might have to move my bed in there and then I don't have to get up. Just kidding!!!! Being pregnant has been fun don't get me wrong I just want energy back. :)

We had a great Mother's Day with Drew's mom yesterday. We went to church and then all took her to lunch to PF Chang's. On Saturday we went and saw the new Star Trek movie. I was not sure about going to see that but actually I that it was an awesome movie. There was just one scene that of course made me want to crawl in a hole since we had Nick with us. Why do movies have to add the extra scenes in that are not necessary????

Today is Lynn's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to her!!! We are going to dinner with Drew's mom and dad and then we get to go to one of Nick's 4 make up baseball games if the rain or mist or whatever you want to call it stops. Baseball in the spring is some what interesting with the weather. It only rains on days he has games. HMMMMMMM

Until later!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Almost there! You can do it! It's a great feeling when, all of a sudden, you realise you feel like an actual human again. That day will come, I promise! Can't wait to meet little Miss Emily!!
