Friday, May 22, 2009

Emily has arrived

Well let me see where to start. I went to get a sonogram on Tuesday afternoon to get Emily's weight and I got other news as well. Emily had decided to flip on us so she was now feet down and head up. So I already had a doctors appointment scheduled for Wednesday morning and when we went to the appointment the doctor basically said we had run out of time because of her weight and the number of weeks I was already at so we were doing a C-Section. Of course I thought we would be scheduling one for next week and then the doctor comes back in and surprise you are having your baby tomorrow meaning Thursday. So Emily came into this world at 12:46pm May 21, 2009. Weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long. We are so truly blessed by her. Thank you for everyone's prayers and continued prayers. Here are some pictures so enjoy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The countdown continues..... 9 days

Well we are still counting. I think Emily is just as happy as she can be where she is at and has no intentions on coming any time soon. We can only hope and pray. I have a sonogram tomorrow to get her weight so we can see where we are at with everything. Then I have my doctors appointment on Wednesday so we will see then what he says. I know the end is near and YES I am still scared and all my emotions are everywhere but I am just ready already. We have been waiting for over 9 months for crying out loud now. :) I am super excited as well for the day to be here and for Emily to enter into this crazy world.

Of course if there are any changes I will keep everyone posted.

:) Happy Monday to all!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

It is Monday - 16 days to go

Well it is Monday and we only have 16 days left for Emily's Due Date. I am sooo ready for her. I am more tired than ever right now and just want to sleep all the time. I know it is not going to be better right away after she is born but I know that it will be better. I can't get comfortable sleeping and I am up all the time in the bathroom. I think I just might have to move my bed in there and then I don't have to get up. Just kidding!!!! Being pregnant has been fun don't get me wrong I just want energy back. :)

We had a great Mother's Day with Drew's mom yesterday. We went to church and then all took her to lunch to PF Chang's. On Saturday we went and saw the new Star Trek movie. I was not sure about going to see that but actually I that it was an awesome movie. There was just one scene that of course made me want to crawl in a hole since we had Nick with us. Why do movies have to add the extra scenes in that are not necessary????

Today is Lynn's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to her!!! We are going to dinner with Drew's mom and dad and then we get to go to one of Nick's 4 make up baseball games if the rain or mist or whatever you want to call it stops. Baseball in the spring is some what interesting with the weather. It only rains on days he has games. HMMMMMMM

Until later!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

23 more days

Well based on Emily's due date we have 23 more days. We went to the doctors last week since we are now on a weekly schedule and also had our last detailed sonogram done. The sonogram showed our little Emily at 7 pounds. Ok we need to slow the growth done just a little if we have a few more weeks to go. I am ready though. I think I am mentally ready and for sure physically ready to have her. I just want to be able to be normal again well normal with my body. Having to go to the restroom every minute of the day is tiring. :)

Her room is ready with everything in it. Of course it looks like a tornado hit it but she will not be up there right away so we are good.

She has soooooo many clothes thanks to family and friends that have given us all kinds of cute outfits. She will for sure be the cutest kid ever.

I think Drew is even ready he is anxious at this point and is ready to be a Daddy to child number 2. He is going to be a great daddy to his little girl. Of course she is going to get everything she wants from him.

Nick I think is ready but I think he is not sure what to expect still. He went to 2 of the classes with us Child Safety and Infant Care classes over the past couple of weeks. He said he learned a lot. He is going to be the best big brother ever. He is so gentle with everything already and with the classes I think they helped him know that he can't hurt his baby sister but he can sure be a big help if he wants to be. He is going to be super cute with her. I am looking forward to that first picture of the 2 of them together.

That is all for now. I have another doctors appointment on Wednesday so any new updates I will post then.